Who doesn't love some puppy romance?
Staying in with the pack can be very rewarding indeed. (You might also take this opportunity to teach your pup to catch popcorn in the air... one of Ruby's favorite tricks!)
2. Have you considered the great American tradition of "driving-in?" Of course there aren't as many drive-ins around as there once were, but they are experiencing a resurgence and you might just have one close by. (Check out http://www.drive-ins.com/ and you could be surprised to find one close to you.) The great news about the drive-in is that dogs are usually allowed too. Here's our local drive-in... "Hull's." (http://www.hullsdrivein.com/)
And why the rush to get the cabinets in...? Well it's because they were on our screened in porch. But this weekend, my Dad... "Master of All Home Improvement," and the newly appointed "Biscuit King of Deerfield," came in to help us lay our BEAUTIFUL wood floors!
Yes, that IS the Deerfield Mall... why do you ask? It's also an official bear checking station!
Good to know!
Can you believe someone left this little jewel at the dump? I know... me either! I left it though, because surely they will realize their mistake soon and return for it!
Open walls are much like the vulnerability I feel in showing my home with warts and all. But everything changes and I, like my home, am trying to steadily make myself better...
From this to this...
So... more a 1970's monolith but...
The Grand Duke surveys his handywork in the kitchen remodel.
Our Young Squire.
The Royal Hounds
Okay a queen might not appreciate the "potential" here... but the Dutchess does. After all, look at all the beauty that surrounds us...
And what good and noble lady doesn't need a throne?
Another doggie event for the week came in the form of an unexpected visitor. Our neighbor (I use the term loosely way out here,) called us to ask if she could come and meet Ruby firsthand. She recently lost her Doberman, due to a genetic condition, and is looking to bring home a Weimaraner to be her new companion. So, she wanted to get a look at my magnificent beast and talk "Weimi." Good thing she called because I could give her a heads-up about my gutted kitchen/construction zone and I also got to have a chat with Ruby. I told Ruby of course to be on her best behavior and she "might" get a new playmate in the hood! I also told her to stay clean because the night before she rolled in bear poop... right at dinnertime... as we were about to eat. (insert YUCK face here) Anyway, she seemed to take our little chat to heart because when my neighbor arrived... Ruby contained herself by not jumping up on her and knocking her over (always a plus.) Ruby little"nubbin" of a tail wagged in delight and she seemed to really understand that her play-life depended on her best behavior. So as said neighbor and I are talking... me feelin' pretty proud of my magnificent dog... I decide to illustrate how "smart" the breed is by calling on her to do a few tricks. Standard stuff really. A few sits, downs and stays with a little "speak" and "shake" thrown in for good meas
ure. Of course being that she is smart... she picked this time to use irony and refused me all requests. Kids... they'll make a liar out you every time! Anywoof, I'm sure that my neighbor was unaffected by my dog's willful stubbornness and will get a weimi anyway. Really all you have to do is take one look at their beauty and you're sold. And our pack... well... we can't wait to have a new friend!
Mac is the kind of guy anyone would want as a friend. He is so loving and frankly, he doesn't know why everyone in the world isn't just like him. Mac lives with his people on a nice sized farm in Georgia. He has a creek,woods and chickens (he only smells... never touches.) Once Mac went on a walkabout and took up with a nice family a couple of miles from home. Although he missed his family... he really enjoyed laying in the bed with the new family and being fed from the table. His people were so grateful to be reunited with him... that they baked the temporary foster family a pie, and to this day... Mac still gets to have sleepovers with them when his people are away.
Sophie is a spunky ball of fire that our pack has had many a play date with... even old Bailey likes her. Sophie loves her people and gets to spend many weekends with her people grandparents. But don't let her pint-sized prowess fool you. Sophie has tangled with two skunks and a coyote... and she always came out on top. Sophie ain't skeered. Rocky
Rocky is one handsome dude... no? Rocky loves to run in big circles, chew up beds and guard his people from the evil lurking in this great big world. Rocky might be the most misunderstood of all our pack friends. What some confuse for aggression is probably just a great big sense of duty. Once, Rocky even let Ruby sniff his butt... not something Rocky often allows but come on... have you seen Ruby? She's gorgeous and why wouldn't he want a little howl-o from her? Can you imagine what Ruby/Rocky puppies would look like? Uhhh... maybe not.
![]() | 54 As a 1930s wife, I am |