Friday, April 30, 2010

The Joy of a Horse

So warm are her withers under my fingers.
Stirruped feet cradle her girth.
A slightness of breath below me.
A small nudge of the leg and we're off.


  1. Hey - been a while since I visited your blog. Spring is just that way! Wanted to say that your dog (that is your dog in the banner, right?) looks like ours! Our Birdie is 1/2 lab, 1/2 English setter - her face looks so very similar!

  2. Girl I am soooo envious!!!

    PS Love the new look!

  3. Ack! My comment didn't post (at least I don't think it did). Sooo, again I say.. What a sweet header! And a beautiful horse! I love the poem as well, which reminds me that still.. sometimes.. I long for a horse of my very own. -Tammy


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