Wednesday, August 19, 2009

School is Looming!

My goodness, mommies are such busy people! All year long we hurry and scurry about, caring for our families and homes. As Summer begins to dwindle, I am thinking about all that the season meant for my family. We planted, we tended, we harvested, we put away for winter. We entertained guests and went visiting. We stayed physically active and played and adventured and learned. And of course, around here, we have sawed, hammered, primed, painted and installed for three months, with still more to do. Finally, we have planned for the coming school year which, I just realized isn't coming... it's here! My morning check of Facebook updates confirms my suspicions... school has started. Yes, we homeschool so I am not as attuned to the schedules of school systems as I once was,( he was in traditional schools for several years.) Facebook reminds me of the way we used to feel... saying good bye for the next nine months... excited by the new things we would learn.... eager to wear the new clothes and use the fresh new notebook we purchased for "back to school." I must admit I do miss the new notebook thing! It just seems too soon. Facebook friends around the globe are saying they are taking pictures, driving to school or putting on the bus, and saying good bye to their babies, either for the first time ever or just feeling like it's the first time all over again. I too have to start thinking about my lesson plans and my schedule. I guess what I am saying is that time is passing too quickly. ( Our elders told us this would happen!) Summer was a whirlwind and even though families were probably together... we are now wishing we could slow down, turn back time, take it easy. Summer should ideally be about dipping our toes in the lake, reading books in the hammock, listening to the surprise summer storm, crickets. But time has caught up to us and we have to move on. So, I want to encourage all you mommies out there to join me in a challenge. Let's forget the cyclone of activity that is about to befall us! Let's say "no" to some activities, only participating in what's most worthwhile. Let's play boardgames with our kids at night and bake some cookies "homemade" (slice and bake counts,) and read together... even if it means saying no to the PTA or Co-op or team coach. Working mommies and stay home mommies and school mommies and homeschool... let's rebel! Let's say "no" and take some time to enjoy our families and homes that we work so hard to maintain. Psalm 55;22 says,
"Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you.
he will never let the righteous fall."
Leave me a little note, if you like, of suggestions on how we can be present, carefree and fulfilled. It's time for busy Mommies around the world to unite and slow it down! Good luck!


  1. Amen sister! we must be of one mind!! This year we do not have outside classes or co-op....we'll be HOME!! And isn't homemade cookies a given for breakfast, LOL!!

  2. Well said! During the school year we try to implement a game night and movie night. Usually Wednesday we play a game after dinner and Friday's we watch a movie with popcorn. The kids love it and it makes us slow down a little. Oh and when the snow starts flyin' we pull out puzzles. That's always fun:)


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