Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Around the Shire!

It is always such a pleasure to show my beautiful home to visitors. This past week I got the chance to do just that. Take a look at all the majesty...The Cow Pasture River

The Milkweed and other wildflowers were in bloom.

Beautiful Araucana and Quail eggs from the Staunton Farmer's Market.

Fun at Hull's Drive -In!


  1. Hello Dutchess! I feel like a city girl whenever I see other people who live in such beautiful countryside! I live in a condo with no front yard or backyard, just a little lame patio. With a couple of chairs. And a big pot. That's not even ours.

    Anyhoo! I just came flitting by from SITS to say hello! Hope you have a great day!

    - Margaret

  2. Oh your home and river are lovely. So peaceful and calm.

    Hopping over from SITS.


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